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You and SAHE

Student Code of Conduct: Fostering a Culture of Respect and Integrity

At SAHE, we are committed to creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all our students. Our Student Code of Conduct sets forth the standards of behavior and expectations that contribute to a positive and respectful community. As a student, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with this code, as it reflects our shared values and responsibilities. 

Key Principles of the Student Code of Conduct

1. Respect for Others: We expect all students to treat fellow students, faculty, staff, and visitors with respect, courtesy, and consideration. Discrimination, harassment, bullying, or any form of disrespectful behavior is not tolerated. 
2. Academic Integrity: Upholding academic integrity is fundamental to the pursuit of knowledge. We expect students to submit their work with honesty, without plagiarism, cheating, or any form of academic misconduct. 
3. Responsible Citizenship: As members of the SAHE community, students are expected to abide by local laws and SAHE policies both on and off-campus. 
4. Confidentiality and Privacy: Students must respect the confidentiality and privacy of others and refrain from sharing sensitive information without consent. 
5. Use of SAHE Resources: SAHE provides various resources to support student learning and development. Students are expected to use these resources responsibly and ethically. 
6. Alcohol and Substance Use: SAHE complies with relevant laws and regulations regarding the use of alcohol and controlled substances on campus. Students must adhere to these guidelines and prioritize their health and well-being. 
7. Digital Etiquette: In the digital age, students are expected to demonstrate responsible online behavior, including in social media and digital communications. 

SAHE Obligations

As an education institution, we are committed to upholding the principles outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Our obligations include: 

1. Clear Communication: We ensure that the Student Code of Conduct is readily accessible to all students through our website and handbooks. 
2. Consistent Enforcement: SAHE applies the code fairly and consistently, with due process in cases where alleged violations occur. 
3. Support and Resources: We provide support services to students, including academic advising, counseling, and conflict resolution assistance. 
4. Educational Programs: We offer educational programs and workshops that promote a culture of respect, diversity, and inclusivity. 
5. Confidential Reporting: We provide avenues for students to report violations of the code confidentially and without fear of reprisal. 

Disciplinary Procedures and Misconduct

SAHE maintains a safe and respectful learning environment for all students, faculty, and staff. Any misconduct or breach of SAHE policies is taken seriously. We have established disciplinary procedures to address misconduct cases, and we strive to ensure a fair and impartial process for all parties involved. 

Grounds for Suspension or Exclusion

In rare cases of serious misconduct or repeated violations of SAHE policies, suspension or exclusion may be considered as a last resort. These decisions are made based on thorough investigations and adherence to due process. 

Promoting a Positive Student Experience

At SAHE, we believe that a strong and positive community is built on mutual respect, integrity, and responsibility. By adhering to the Student Code of Conduct, we foster an environment where students can thrive academically, socially, and personally. 

Consequences of Violations

Violations of the Student Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, ranging from warnings and educational interventions to more severe consequences, including probation or expulsion, depending on the severity of the offense. 
For a detailed version of our Student Code of Conduct, please refer to the SAHE Student Handbook or visit Student Code of Conduct
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Student Code of Conduct or need assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our student support team at 1300 967 477
Together, let us uphold the values of respect, integrity, and responsibility, and create a community that fosters growth and success for all students.  

Preventing Sexual Harassment and Bullying: A Safe and Inclusive Campus Environment

At SAHE, we are dedicated to maintaining a safe and inclusive campus environment where all students, faculty, and staff can learn, work, and thrive without fear of sexual harassment or bullying. Our academy has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of harassment or bullying and is committed to addressing these issues promptly, effectively, and confidentially.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature that creates an uncomfortable, hostile, or intimidating environment. It can take various forms, including verbal, written, physical, or visual conduct, and can occur between individuals of any gender. Examples of sexual harassment may include unwanted advances, inappropriate comments, gestures, or display of explicit materials. 
At SAHE, we firmly believe that all individuals have the right to feel safe and respected. We encourage everyone to be aware of their own behavior and to speak up if they witness or experience any form of sexual harassment. We take all reports of sexual harassment seriously and conduct thorough investigations to ensure appropriate actions are taken to address and prevent further incidents. 


Bullying is aggressive or intimidating behavior that is intended to cause harm, distress, or fear in others. It can be verbal, physical, social, or online and can be directed towards an individual or a group. Our academy is committed to creating a supportive environment that rejects bullying in all its forms. 
We believe that fostering a culture of empathy, kindness, and understanding is essential in preventing bullying. Our aim is to empower students to recognize and report bullying incidents and to provide timely support to those affected. 

Reporting and Support

If you experience or witness sexual harassment or bullying, we encourage you to report it promptly. Reporting options are available for both formal and confidential reporting. We respect the confidentiality of all individuals involved in the reporting process and provide support to those who come forward. 
– For confidential support, you can reach out to our counselors or designated support staff who are trained to handle such cases with sensitivity and care. 
– If you wish to make a formal report, you can contact Student Services Coordinator on 1300 967 477 or relevant authorities responsible for handling such matters. 

Our Commitment

Our commitment to preventing sexual harassment and bullying extends to continuously reviewing and improving our policies and procedures. We take every opportunity to learn from incidents, address root causes, and create an environment where everyone feels safe, valued, and respected. 
If you have any questions or concerns related to sexual harassment or bullying or need assistance, please reach out to SAHE’s support services or report the incident using the appropriate channels. 
Together, let’s build a community where everyone can thrive, learn, and grow in a safe and supportive environment. At SAHE, we stand united against sexual harassment and bullying, and we value your partnership in creating a respectful and inclusive campus for all. 

Financial Obligations and Important Deadlines: Managing Your Finances

As a student at SAHE, we want to ensure that you have a clear understanding of your financial obligations and critical deadlines to help you plan your finances effectively. We believe in transparency and fairness when it comes to financial matters, and we are here to assist you every step of the way. 

Tuition Fees and Payment

Tuition fees are an essential aspect of your student journey. Before each semester, you will receive detailed information about your tuition fees, payment methods, and deadlines. We encourage you to review this information carefully and make timely payments to secure your enrollment. 

Payment Plans and Assistance

We understand that managing expenses can be challenging, and we offer various payment plan options to help you meet your financial commitments. Additionally, we provide guidance on available financial assistance, scholarships, and grants to support eligible students. 

Critical Deadlines

Critical deadlines for tuition fee payment, course enrollment, and other important tasks are communicated through official SAHE channels, including your SAHE email and the student portal. Staying informed and adhering to these deadlines is vital to ensure a smooth experience. 

Your Financial Well-being Matters

We believe in supporting your financial well-being throughout your student journey. If you encounter financial difficulties or have questions about your financial obligations, our student support team is here to assist you. We encourage open communication and proactive engagement to address any challenges you may face. 

Your Success is Our Priority

At SAHE, we are committed to your success and well-being. By understanding your financial obligations, adhering to critical deadlines, and abiding by SAHE policies, you set the foundation for a fulfilling and rewarding experience.