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Student Support Services

English Language Support

SAHE will offer language support services which will provide students with the opportunity to practice, and build confidence in, their English language skills. For further details please refer to the English Language Proficiency Policy.

Student Consultation Services

SAHE will offer online and face-to-face support including group and individual consultation services to provide targeted assistance with academic, communication and learning needs. A Student Consultation Schedule will be provided with details on how students may contact the relevant staff. The Student Consultation Schedule will be published on SAHE Learning Management System (LMS) at the beginning of each semester. The Student Consultation Schedule will also be available to students at the Administration Office, and on student noticeboards. For further details please refer to the Student Consultation Policy.

Academic Support Services

SAHE students’ academic progress and attendance will be monitored in accordance with the Academic Progression and Graduation Policy. Guidance and support through consultation will be provided where unsatisfactory results or issues related to academic literacy and English language proficiency are identified. 

SAHE offers the following Academic support services: 

  • Academic skills workshops will be offered by academic staff to help new and continuing students with strategies to improve academic performance; 
  • In Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) students will work with other students to understand the content of unit/s and develop academic skills and build confidence and communication skills; and 
  • Academic Integrity Module (AIM) will implement a range of strategies to support and enhance student academic integrity.  AIM is a compulsory module for all students commencing studies at SAHE to assist and guide students on the rules, procedures and ethical behaviour associated with academic integrity. 

Support For Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander students

The Academy provides alternative entry, assistance and support to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. From admissions to graduation ‐ assistance available includes academic workshops, access to mentors and academic staff.  The services provided include: 

  • Additional Academic Support – to enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to receive support in relation to academic skills such as essay writing, study techniques and research skills; 
  • Learning Support – to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students develop various study strategies and learning skills to improve academic performance. 


For further details, please refer to the  Student Support Services Policy