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Student Representative Council


The Student Representative Council (‘SRC’) will be established to provide advice on the education and social life of students and to act as a channel for communication between the Academy and the student community on matters affecting the academic and social wellbeing of students. 



The functions of the SRC are to: 

  • Advice on student matters through student cohort representation; 
  • Provide a forum for the dissemination, discussion and debate on matters of student interest; 
  • Consider and report on matters referred to the SRC by the Academy; 
  • Advocate on behalf of students; 
  • Provide a recognised means of communication between the student body and administrative and academic departments; 
  • Provide and promote the participation and considerations of the student body in matters of importance to campus life. 



The membership of the SRC will be made up as follows: 

  • Program Manager; 
  • Two (2) domestic student representatives; 
  • Two (2) international student representatives; 
  • Student Services Manager representing the campus management. 


Student representatives are selected based upon the following criteria: 

  • The student demonstrates a willingness to participate in relevant internal committees or local informal student groups that indicate good citizenship; 
  • The student provides unsolicited ongoing feedback for continuous improvement via mechanisms such as formal and informal feedback, staff interaction etc; 
  • The student is a regular participant at Orientation Programs, Open Days, and SAHE events, thereby demonstrating engagement in campus life. 



A quorum will be half of the members plus one (1). In the case of a tied vote, the Program Manager has the casting vote. 


The SRC will meet at least two (2) times each year. 


Representatives will be provided with access to the websites and any other resources reasonably required to fulfil their duties as a member of the SRC. 


  • To ensure that the SRC is fulfilling its duties, it will undertake an annual self assessment of its performance against its Terms of Reference and provide any information the Dean may request to facilitate their review of the SRC’s performance and its membership. 
  • The SRC shall review its Terms of Reference every two years and provide a report, including any recommendations, to the Dean.