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Orientation Program:
Your Journey Starts Here

What is the Orientation Program?

Our Orientation Program is a series of events and activities carefully curated to introduce you to SAHE, its culture, resources, and services. It is an opportunity for you to get acquainted with fellow students, faculty, and staff, and learn about the various aspects of student life.

Welcome to SAHE!

We are thrilled to have you join our academic community and embark on an exciting educational journey. As a new student, we understand that starting your student journey can be both exciting and overwhelming. That is why we have designed a comprehensive Orientation Program to ensure you have a smooth transition and a successful start to your student life.

What to Expect

1. Welcome Session

The Orientation Program begins with a warm welcome from our academy’s administration. You will receive an introduction to the academy’s history, values, and the support services available to you.

2. Campus Tour

Get familiar with our beautiful campus through a guided tour. Explore our modern facilities, libraries, laboratories, student lounges, and other key locations.

3. Academic Information

Learn about our academic programs, courses, and curriculum. You will have the chance to meet with academic advisors who can help you plan your study path.

4. Student Support Services

Discover the various support services we offer, such as counseling, academic advising, career services, and student clubs. Our goal is to empower you to make the most of your student experience.

5. Educational and Other Activities

We will provide information to assist you in planning for and participating in educational and other activities. You will learn about contact points for specific programs, advice about orientation and induction sessions, and delivery arrangements for your courses.

6. Technical Requirements for Online Activities

If your courses involve online activities, we will guide you on the technical requirements for accessing our IT systems and online resources.

7. Timetables

Access your personalized timetable, so you know when and where your classes take place.

8. Access to Learning Resources

Learn how to access our extensive learning resources, including digital libraries, databases, and academic tools.

9. Student Representative Bodies and Decision Making

We encourage your active participation in decision-making processes at SAHE. Learn about avenues to participate in student representative bodies and have your voice heard on campus.

Why Attend Orientation?

Orientation is not just an event; it is a crucial step in your student journey. By participating in the program, you will:

  • Feel more confident and prepared for your student experience.
  • Learn about the resources and support available to help you succeed academically and personally.
  • Get to know your classmates and start forming connections.
  • Familiarize yourself with the campus layout and facilities.
  • Understand SAHE’s culture, values, and expectations. 

Orientation Dates:

Orientation dates are typically scheduled before the start of each semester. Make sure to check the SAHE website or your email for specific dates and times.

Your Success is Our Priority:

At SAHE, we are dedicated to ensuring your success and well-being. The Orientation Program is just the beginning of an enriching and transformative student experience. We can’t wait to see you thrive and make lasting memories with us!

For any questions or assistance regarding the Orientation Program or any other aspect of your student journey, please feel free to contact our student support team at 1300 967 477.